April Project Update
Open Harvest Co-op Grocery is in the midst of a historic project – the relocation of our 47+ year old co-op from the space it has occupied on South Street since 1990 to a new home in the Telegraph District.
After several years of market and feasibility studies; extensive review by industry experts; exploring several different sites; and surveys, special meeting, and open board meetings, the Co-op Board decided the top priorities for the relocation are:
• Develop a location that our current owners will love; keeping the small, neighborhood store atmosphere.
• Create a community gathering place with comfortable indoor and outdoor seating
• Offer improved access, visibility, and parking to customers.
• Increase operational efficiencies with improved freight, stocking, kitchen design, and office facilities.
• Improve energy efficiency by upgrading refrigeration, freezers, lights, and kitchen equipment.
• Continue support of local farmers and businesses.
• Provide exceptional customer service; easy, enjoyable shopping experience.
• Demonstrate living out cooperative values in-store and in the community through education and outreach.
Partners on the project include:
• National Co-op Grocers – project consultants
• UNFI – equipment procurement and refrigeration drawings
• Architectural Design Associates / AES / IE Design – design team
• Hampton Enterprises – general contractor
Since January we’ve secured our senior debt through Shared Capital Cooperative, finalized our equipment list, and developed the final construction budget. We are currently working on the interior design plan, exterior sign package, and selecting sub-contractors in order to start construction in early summer. We look forward to opening our new store in the Telegraph District in early 2024!
Keep an eye on your e-mail, social media, and our website for the latest updates on the relocation project! Owners are also invited to attend monthly board meetings every first Wednesday of the month from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP at board@openharvest.coop and join us.