If you are an owner of Open Harvest, you can use our WebCart shopping platform to:
- Place a holiday pre-order or reserve a turkey
- View your purchase history
- Update your contact information
To access your account:
1. Go to shop.openharvest.coop and click on the Sign In link in the upper right.
2. Look at the message above the sign in form and click the green ‘here’ link.
3. Select your reset method.
4. Enter your email or phone number and click Submit. The phone number or email address you provide will have to match what we currently have on file. If you need to update your owner contact information, please fill out this form (or ask a cashier for an owner update form at the register.)
5. Enter the verification you should have received by phone/email and click Submit.
6. Create your new password. Be sure to keep track of it!
7. You can now log in with your password and your owner number, email, or phone number associated with your ownership.
If you encounter difficulties setting up or accessing your ownership account through WebCart, please contact us at help@openharvest.coop. Please include your ownership number, name, and the phone number or email you are trying to use to access your ownership account.