- Great Plains Trails Network
- Grain Place Foundation
- Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition
- Milkworks
About the Program
The Open Harvest Cooperative Community Fund (OHCCF) was established in 2007 to aid in developing new co-ops throughout the nation and to further give back to local non-profits. Open Harvest is part of the Twin Pines Community Fund, which has combined assets of $4.8 million.
How It’s Funded
The endowment is funded through contributions from Open Harvest, matches by other co-ops, and donations from shoppers through our Seed Program. Principal is invested in co-ops, and interest is gifted to local non-profits.
Eligibility & Criteria for Selection:
Local non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for OHCCF grants. Priority is given to grant requests for educational projects, development projects, and events that match Open Harvest’s mission and focus. In addition: