COVID-19 Update
Like the rest of the country, Lancaster County has seen a surge in positive COVID-19 cases in the last several weeks, due to large gatherings and holiday visits in December.
The Co-op has been no exception. We have seen a sudden rise in COVID cases among our staff and their families since the holidays ended. Our management team is working diligently to continue to provide the time off and resources needed to allow our employees to rest and recover and help stop the spread in the community.
We continue our efforts to keep our staff as safe as possible. We have N95 masks (recommended for the current Omicron variant) available for staff use. Open Harvest employees are required to wear masks at all times while in the store and in shared spaces. Our plexiglass barriers remain in place, we continue to disinfect high touch surfaces regularly, and encourage social distancing and mask wearing of our customers.
Our store hours of 8 am to 9pm remain the same, but are subject to change at any time. Our burrito bar and deli service will be closed starting Sunday, January 16th thru Saturday, January 22nd and will be reassessed each week, so we can ease the demands on our deli staff. Our Leadership Team is continually looking for creative ways to support Open Harvest employees through this new wave of illness.
We encourage our shoppers to use our Curbside service (which is available Monday, Tuesday, and Friday), to mask up indoors, stay socially distanced, and only congregate when necessary. You can check our social media and our website for the latest information about store and deli hours and offerings.
We know that folks are exhausted, and the toll these past two years have taken on all of us seems to never end. But we are still here, ready to serve you. We truly appreciate all the kindness, patience, and understanding you have shown us during this difficult time. Stay safe & healthy.
In cooperation,
Amy Tabor
General Manager