
December Board Reflection

November was action-packed at Open Harvest, and we have much to be thankful for. The day before Thanksgiving has historically been one of the busiest day of the year at the store, and this year was no exception. Special thanks go out to the deli staff who worked tirelessly to fill Thanksgiving special orders for over 64 families this year! We are grateful to all our staff and customers for your part in such a successful Thanksgiving season at the co-op.


December marks the new year for the Board of Directors. Following the annual elections and annual meeting of owners in November, newly elected directors are seated in December. We are thankful to have Amanda McKay and Jarvis Green join us as new directors, and I (Carla McCullough) am excited to start a new term as an incumbent with them!  Also in December, the board elects officers for one-year terms. The officers elected for the coming year are Wally Graeber (Chair), Carla McCullough (Vice Chair), and Anna Hernoud (Secretary).


This month, we heard updates about the store relocation feasibility stage and preliminary designs. Once the final location is negotiated, we will launch the Owner Investment Campaign, with an anticipated start coming next spring.


We welcome all owners to join us for our monthly board meetings to hear about our work.  We continue to meet virtually for now but hope to be able to safely meet in-person in the coming months. The board extends our wishes to all for a peaceful and healthy New Year!


In Cooperation,
Carla McCullough
Vice Chair