
Hate has no home here.

Open Harvest’s Board has come to learn, from a variety of sources that Ross Brockley has espoused a hateful rhetoric of anti-Semitism, bigotry, and Holocaust denial over the course of many years. In addition, community members have reported experiences and interactions with Ross Brockley which raise both safety and inclusivity concerns.

Ross Brockley is not associated with Open Harvest in any capacity, however, he is a former member and former Open Harvest Board Member. The Open Harvest Board of Directors and management rejects this anti-Semitism, bigotry, and Holocaust denial without hesitation or reservation. The Open Harvest Board of Directors regrets Ross Brockley’s past inclusion as a board member of our co-op. Open Harvest has the right to refuse service to anyone who creates an unsafe or unwelcoming environment. Directors and GM are asking that Ross Brockley no longer enter Open Harvest and is therefore banned from the store effective immediately.

Open Harvest’s Board of Directors and management are working diligently to amend our policies, code of conduct, and signage so that, in the future, Open Harvest can act quickly to address hateful and divisive behavior. The Board of Directors, our employees and store management will be receiving additional training/education. With the actions being taken, Open Harvest hopes to reestablish itself as a provider of a culturally inclusive and safe environment for future generations.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the Board of Directors at and the General Manager at

In cooperation,
Board of Directors & Management