
January Board Reflection

Dear Open Harvest Community,


Happy New Year! At January’s Board of Directors’ Meeting, we took the time to look at the unusual year that passed and look forward to what the new year has in store for Open Harvest.


With a heavy heart, the Board said goodbye to a long-term board member Rosina Paolini as she pursues an exciting new career and education. Her leadership and mentorship are things that the board will sorely miss, but we know that while she might not be at the monthly board meetings, she will continue to be active in the co-op community by helping grow and sustain Open Harvest. 


The co-op will soon explore the opportunity of relocating the store by forming a Relocation Committee. We encourage our member-owners to join us and consider investing, not only financially, but by also donating your time and expertise to ensure we find and transition into a new, suitable location. In doing so, your investment will make sure our move benefits the most members possible while pursuing our cooperative mission. 


I would be remiss if I did not reflect that the Board met on Wednesday, January 6th, as an insurrection took place in our nation’s Capitol. While there was anxiety among the members at the beginning of the meeting by the end we were all in a better place knowing that our co-op literally represents the opposite of what happened that day. Open Harvest is based on community and democracy and strives to make our community stronger through inclusion and respect. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and the Abolitionist Challenge are a few ways that co-op members are facing the challenge head-on. While we are not perfect, we will continue to learn, and listen, and be better. 


I wish all of you a safe and healthy start to the New Year.


Yours Sincerely,

Shah Uddin

Open Harvest Board Secretary