Organic Food Survey
A study conducted by Earthbound Farm surveyed more than 500 shoppers to learn about who is buying organic food. The results highlight that the organic shopper profile has shifted toward the mainstream.
“Organic should and can be for everyone,” Deverl Maserang, president and CEO of the San Juan Bautista, Calif.-based company, said in a news release.
Here’s 10 notable findings from the survey:
- 47% of the people surveyed said they buy organic food for their households at least some of the time
- Pet owners are more likely to buy organic than people who do not own pets (53% to 37%)
- Sports fans are more likely to buy organic (49% to 41%)
- People with children at home are more likely to buy organic (52%)
- The majority of consumers (67%) eat organic for dinner, compared to 62% for lunch and 56% for breakfast
- 71% of shoppers with kids at home said it would be somewhat or very important to provide organic food to their child’s classmates/teammates.
- Respondents to the survey indicated that the 3-5 age range is most critical in eating organic food.
- Only 24% of organic shoppers said they are “loud and proud” about choosing organic, while 10% keep their preferences “under the radar” and 66% are “easygoing”
- 33% of people have increased their organic food consumption in the past year, while 40% plan to increase their organic consumption in 2019. 11% plan to decrease it
- 75% of organic consumers buy organic primarily for the health benefits