Local Vendor Spotlight
By: Ren, Wellness Coordinator
We at Open Harvest are proud to share that we have seen an increase in sales of local products in the last year! What better way to celebrate than to tell you a little bit about some of our Wellness and General Merchandise Local Vendors.
Red Road Herbs – Stanton, NE
We carry a variety of salve formulas at Open Harvest, and one of the most beloved is a product called The Best Herbal Salve Ever. This salve was created in 1996 by Rachel Liester and her daughter. Since then, Red Road Herbs has become a retreat and learning center focused on herbalism. Rachel’s path to herbalism began at a young age, studying the Good Red Road through Native American and Alaska Native elders, and living with the knowing that we are all related. Rachel honors indigenous tradition and teachings in the name of her business and the intention that she puts into her work.
Discover more about Red Road Herbs and the programs they offer here: http://www.redroadherbs.com/
Naad Naturals – Omaha, NE
Sheri Noordom has loved essential oils for many years, but it was an adventure in homesteading that led to her business. She started with a hair paste and before she knew it, Sheri was making soaps, lip balms, massage oils, and more. We at Open Harvest are thrilled to be carrying a variety of her essential oil sprays and roll-ons. Whether you are seeking peace, grounding, or just a chance to smell nice – these essential oil blends have a whole lot of heart.
To access Naad Naturals’ full line of products, check out the website: https://naadnaturals.com/
Prairie Star Botanicals – Blair, NE
You may have noticed an impressive array of glycerites and tinctures in the Wellness aisle, and that’s all thanks to our friends at Prairie Star Botanicals. The team at Prairie Star are guided by four signposts: community, education, access, and empowerment. Their work in herbalism is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, ancient practices that continue to show their worth through the ages. We are truly fortunate to have a dedicated local source for quality single herb tinctures, glycerites, and salves.
Check out their website where you can learn about monthly herb walks, their full line of products, and educational programs: https://prairiestarbotanicals.com/
Milkweed – Lincoln, NE
Maggie Pleskac chose Milkweed as her name and symbol because it represents nourishment and transformation. This symbol is perfectly fitting for her business endeavors. From feeding the people of Lincoln at her vegetarian café to offering yoga classes, Maggie’s ventures have seen transformation and growth, all the while staying rooted in the intention of providing health, wellness, and nourishment. We carry a number of Maggie’s fantastic offerings including Kitchari, three kinds of elixir blends (golden spice tea being most popular) and soothing aromatherapy sprays.
If you’d like to schedule some yoga with Maggie check out her beautiful event space in Havelock. Her website is: https://milkweedyoga.com/
Sew Happy – Lincoln, NE
Sew Happy is the brainchild of local crafter Lisa Lyons. Lisa uses a combination of new and thrifted materials to create beautiful and sturdy bags, bowl cozies, mittens, and my favorite: unsponges. Lisa has enjoyed sewing for as long as she can remember – she finds that it nurtures her creativity and calms a busy mind. Each piece is created with joy!
Annie’s Gems
Annie found her way into the world of jewelry during the pandemic. She was bored, needed a new focus, and most of all needed a creative outlet. Many of the beads found in Annie’s bracelets have been repurposed from jewelry found at thrift stores and garage sales – Annie cleans them up and takes them apart before envisioning and crafting something special for our customers! Her jewelry business is expanding as she begins to work at a few markets with her husband. Together they are proud purveyors of spoon rings, key chains, and of course Annie’s Gems.
Keep an eye on our social media this October, you may see some deals on local products!
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